Need help finding a specific role? Give us a call: 0121 274 4820
Let's find your dream role...
The Teach Team can provide you with a multitude of positions within primary, secondary, special schools, alternative and further education settings on a short, long term or permanent contract basis.
Our team of specialist consultants will support you through the recruitment process, help with CV writing and interviews and deliver to you the right opportunity that best matches your skill set and career aspirations.
Contact The Teach Team and let our dedicated staff assist you in your search for that next rewarding role in education.

Quality Assurance
The Teach Team has a very rigorous safeguarding policy and vetting procedure which all our candidates undergo when registered, we follow all Department of Education guidelines.
All staff hold as a minimum:
Safer Recruitment Level 2
Safeguarding Children & Young People and Child Protection training
GDPR training
PREVENT Duty training
Online Safety training
With the Teach Team, we will always go the extra mile in trying to meet your requirements.